Chicago Botanic Garden Sunset : The lawn party
+Mihoko Yamanashi invited me to run the #fivedayquest again. And I accepted. This time I’ve decided to run to the Chicago Botanic Garden for each of these days after work, take photos, process them, and post them.
I turn in my assignments late. Always have. My teachers in high school failed.
+Karina Kaefer , I CHOOSE YOU! You are invited to the 5 day quest. I hope you understand this. But since I saw your stream has a lot of flowers in it and I’m going to a botanic garden a lot lately, you, get the invite.
The #fivedayquest is simple. You must use the tag, #fivedayquest , and you must also tag the person who invited you. You can start whenever you feel like. You post for five days. And each day you invite someone new. That is all.
+Lauri Novak you’re not invited to do the quest again, you’re popular enough. And you’re actually on your way to Germany by now, but really, you need to go to the +Chicago Botanic Garden .